Facturi (de bază): Plăți offline, reduceri și credite promoționale

Learn how to manually add an offline payment on TaxDome when a client pays with a check, cash or a card-processing service such as Square. Reward clients with bonuses and add discounts either to manually created invoices or to invoice templates.

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Offline payment types and credits, explained

A firm owner, admin or team member with access rights to manage payments can issue these offline payment types:

  • payments used for revenue calculations (e.g., when your client pays invoices in your office)
  • payments not used for revenue calculations (e.g., when you want to reward your client)

In both cases, offline payments are added to the client account as credits. They can be used towards paying invoices in the future. Or you can settle the existing invoices while adding the offline payment.

Efectuarea de plăți offline

Urmați acești pași pentru a înregistra manual o plată efectuată în afara TaxDome (numerar, cec, Square, Venmo etc.):

1. Click New at the top left of your screen, select Offline payment from the slide-out, then choose the client account.

2. Make sure the  payments used for revenue calculations option is selected, and enter the payment amount. You can autofill it with the unpaid invoices amount by selecting them below.

3. Select the payment source.

4. Adăugați o descriere care să sublinieze pentru ce este efectuată plata.

5. That’s it! Click Save to make the offline payment. Credits are added to the client account.

Here's a bit more on other options for offline payments:

1. Link to jobs: Link your offline payment to an existing job to make it immediately available in your workflow when needed. Click Link to Jobs, then select the jobs. Once linked, the Jobs section is displayed at the bottom. You can see the job title and the pipeline it’s in (here's more on linking payments to jobs).

2. Data: Aceasta este data la care clientul a efectuat plata. În mod implicit, veți vedea data curentă.

3.  Send client email notification: Select this if you want an email about the offline payment to go out to the client.

4.  Sync payment to QuickBooks Online: Select this option if you want to sync this payment with QuickBooks (this could lead to duplicating payments). Here's more on syncing payments with QuickBooks.

5. Settle: You’ll see the list of invoices issued for the selected account. The sum of the selected invoices will autofill the payment amount.

Giving client promotional credits

Offering promotional credits is nice perk to offer clients without you having to devalue or discount your product. You can also use them to provide a refund.

Promotional credits could be created just like regular offline payments, but be sure to select the  Do not use payment for revenue calculations option to make sure that they aren’t included in the calculation of your total revenue. They also aren’t synced with QuickBooks and you cannot select the source for them.

What clients see when you add offline payments

Your clients see their credits in the Home section of their portal and can use them to pay for their invoices.

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Giving discounts

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O altă modalitate de a încuraja loialitatea clienților este de a oferi reduceri. Gândiți-vă, de exemplu, la o ofertă specială de sezon sau de sărbători sau la o ofertă de tip early bird. Le puteți salva ca un serviciu pe care îl selectați rapid și îl adăugați la o factură.

Pentru a adăuga o reducere la factură:

1. Click the New button at the top left of your screen, select Invoice from the slide-out.

2. Adăugați la factură atâtea elemente de linie câte sunt necesare, apoi faceți clic pe link-ul Discount (Reducere ).

3. Introduceți ce fel de reducere acordați. Verificați câmpurile RATE (tarif ) șiQTY (cantitate) și editați-le dacă este necesar. Dacă aveți reduceri utilizate în mod obișnuit, adăugați-le ca servicii, astfel încât să le puteți selecta întotdeauna rapid.

4. Trimiteți factura către client.

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